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You gotta listen to what your vegetables have to say
You gotta listen to your vegetables three times a day
Cuz you know that you're pumpkin is trying to tell you something
You gotta listen to what your vegetables have to say!
You gotta listen to your vegetables!
Whenever you chew your vegetables!
It's time to stop fussin and join the discussion
You gotta listen to your vegetables!
Listen to your vegetables!
You gotta listen to your vegetables decompose!
In the compost bin that's where they go!
You gotta listen with your heart!
As your lettuce falls apart!
You gotta listen to your vegetables decompose!
You gotta listen to your vegetables!
Whenever you chew your vegetables!
It's time to stop fussin and join the discussion
You gotta listen to your vegetables!
Listen to your vegetables!
"When you go to a live Goobz show, you don't really go to listen.
You more or less watch them deconstruct onstage. It's disturbing."
- Darla K., a person who has seen a few Goobz shows and does not consider herself a fan
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