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Well the night is young

and no one is dancing

the ladies' arms are sure to get rusty

while the gentlemen drink 

the dance floor gets dusty

cuz no one dares to go dancing tonight.


Well the night young

and no one is dancing

and the band plays on 

tho no one is clapping 

while the bartender sweeeps

the toes are not tapping 

cuz no one dares to go dancing onight


No one is slamming or hopping like pogos

They're too drunk to trot, too high to swing low

The waltz is forgotten and no one remembers the tango


Well the night is young 

and no one is dancing

Except for the one

Whose friends all but left her 

to fend for herself 

dancing with no one 

cuz no one dared to go dancing tonight


No one is dancing

And we're slowly becoming alone and shy

No one is dancing 

And we're not getting thirsty enough to try


Well the night is young 

And no one is dancing

And the lights go on

And the room seems quite empty

And the crowd went home

To see what's on TV

Cuz no one dared to go dancing


Well the night is young 

And no one is dancing

And the ladies don't go out as often

And the gentlemen wonder what might have happened 

If someone dared to go dancing


No one is dancing

And we're slowly becoming alone and shy

No one is dancing 

And we're not getting thirsty enough to try










"When you go to a live Goobz show, you don't really go to listen.

You more or less watch them deconstruct onstage. It's disturbing."


- Darla K., a person who has seen a few Goobz shows and does not consider herself a fan

All site content copyright ©2020 by The Goobz.

All site content is owned, managed, and manipulated by The Goobz,

a corporate asset of MassGlobalMegaCorp, which is an alias of Green Noise LLC.

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