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Surfer Joe​ went down to the beach.

Down to the beach in his brain.

The undertow pulled him out of reach as he was

teaching the waves to behave. 

Surfer Joe!


Surfer Joe swam into the dark.

Into the dark in his mind.

That's where he met an invisible shark who said

"Good thing I'm blind, there's nothing to find!"

Surfer Joe! 


Man over board! Whoo hoo! Man overboard!


Surfer Joe found a bubble of air 

Way deep inside his skull

It turned out to be an octopus lair

Where he was molested by tentacles


Surfer Joe swam into a light

Into a light in his head

What he thought was the way outside 

Was actually just a net of jellyfish threa!


Surfer Joe! 


Man over board! Whoo hoo! Man overboard!


"When you go to a live Goobz show, you don't really go to listen.

You more or less watch them deconstruct onstage. It's disturbing."


- Darla K., a person who has seen a few Goobz shows and does not consider herself a fan

All site content copyright ©2020 by The Goobz.

All site content is owned, managed, and manipulated by The Goobz,

a corporate asset of MassGlobalMegaCorp, which is an alias of Green Noise LLC.

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