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I feel like an empty bag 

that's floating back and forth 

I feel like a Rubik's cube

that no one's ever solved. 


I feel like an empty bag 

that's crump[ed and brown

I feel like an empty bag

that's stuck on the ground.


I feel like gum on the shoe

that someone stepped on

I feel like doggie doo

that came out the end of the dog


I feel like a dried up worm

that didn't quite make it

I feel like a pumpkinhead 

that's slowly caving in


I feel like an empty bag



"When you go to a live Goobz show, you don't really go to listen.

You more or less watch them deconstruct onstage. It's disturbing."


- Darla K., a person who has seen a few Goobz shows and does not consider herself a fan

All site content copyright ©2020 by The Goobz.

All site content is owned, managed, and manipulated by The Goobz,

a corporate asset of MassGlobalMegaCorp, which is an alias of Green Noise LLC.

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